Saving Your Brain

The Remediation of the Primitive Reflex Reduces Excess Delta

events May 16, 2022
The Remediation of the Primitive Reflex Reduces Excess Delta

Kelly Miller, NMD of Saving Your Brain joins New Mind Technologies' latest Lunch and Learn webinar for a special presentation and latest discovery of how remediation of the Primitive Reflexes can reduce excess delta.

"Recently, I saw some extraordinary changes in 4 patients that all exhibited primitive reflexes. We worked on integrating these by using Avant laser and stimulating the reflexes coupled with sensory integration of vibration, sound, light, and smell to the weaker hemisphere.

As the primitive reflexes became integrated, the slower delta waves normalized. These extraordinary changes occurred in 16 visits, seeing the people 2 to 4x/week. Primitive reflexes are associated with a lack of maturation in the brain stem. They should leave by 18 months.

High delta is associated with early life, ages 0-2. Is there a connection between high delta waves and primitive reflexes in older individuals?

Watch the special presentation and contact Kelly Miller, NMD with any questions at [email protected]. Learn more about Primitive Reflexes and Functional Disconnection Syndrome.

Webinar with New Mind Technologies with Kelly Miller, NMD from Saving Your Brain