Brain Health Services
Browse our list of brain health services offered at the Saving Your Brain Therapy Centers.
QEEG Brain Mapping
This is achieved with a QEEG, also known as a brain map. This is a non-invasive tool used to identify the problem areas of the brain.
Neurofeedback is a computer based therapy that monitors and corrects unhealthy brainwaves while the user is engaged.
Braintapping is a quick and easy way to relax, reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential at anytime.
Interactive Metronome
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based assessment and training tool that measures & improves Neurotiming.
Neuro Sensory Integration
Neuro Sensory Integration offers a host of therapy procedures to a wide range of patients requiring visual or neuro therapy.
Right Eye Tracking
Using advanced, eye-tracking technology, the RightEye system uncovers issues that an observation-only exam cannot.
Neurosage is a noninvasive computer software program that is designed to improve balance and coordination.
Initial Brain Assessment
Take our comprehensive initial brain assessment to start your customized brain training program.
Primitive Reflexes
Get checked for any lingering primitive reflexes that may impact the development of your brain and cause brain issues & symptoms.
Connect Via Telehealth
Connect with Kelly Miller, NM via our secure online portal to chat, message, and video call and receive the latest info for brain health.
LEARN MORE"Kelly Miller has trained with me in the classroom as well as personally in my clinic. I know he has the capability to get unprecedented results and there is not many clinicians who can get results like we do."
Owner, Ultimate Performance Chiro and Rehab
“Miller is one of my trusted friends and researchers…He and his system of health and healing are a blessing to the world. Keep up the great work Miller and Team the world needs you now more than ever”
Founder & Inventor, BrainTap
“If you are interested in saving your brain, repairing your brain or preventing brain challenges in the future…Kelly Miller is the expert you must consult with. He is the go to expert for brain mapping, brain healing and brain balancing.“